My Experience in Southeast Asia

Written by Cindy Kuykendall

In the spring of 2017, David and Liney Chacko invited me to go with Liney to serve in Southeast Asia. I had never felt a call to go to Asia, but after much prayer, the Lord made it clear that He wanted me to go on this trip. I spent several weeks preparing my heart to minister to the children at the safe houses and seeking God on messages to share with pastors during the training sessions. As a member of the western American church, I felt I had something to impart to believers in third world countries. The Lord had a bigger plan. 

At the safe houses in Asia, I saw the power of God’s love through the lives of the children. The presence of the Lord was tangible in the safe houses and I could see the love of Jesus as I looked into the eyes of the precious ones who had been rescued from the horrors of human trafficking. There was an unforced, spontaneous feeling of family among the children. I witnessed a prayer session and heard the children cry out to God to heal the "hurts and pains” that had been inflicted upon one little girl. I also heard the children raise their voices in songs of praise to God. The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable as the children called out to their Daddy in Heaven to answer their prayers and heal their hearts. It was a life-giving and life-changing experience. But God did not stop with the children.

We met pastors and leaders who have risked their lives to spread the love of Jesus throughout Asia. These pastors are living in “first love” relationship with the Lord. There is nothing cold, lukewarm or dry about their worship. They are on fire, fervent followers of Christ and they are seeing signs, wonders, and miracles in their midst. In Asia, I saw the early church come alive again and I will never forget it. In fact, I am still reflecting upon what I witnessed and I regularly tell myself to “WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!”  

 Jesus is returning for a radiant Bride. His Church. The American church is, by in large, asleep. And so, I left Asia with questions:

What do You want me to do, Lord, with what I have seen?

What role do you want me to play in the awakening of your American church, Lord?

Am I awake, Lord?

What do you want me to do in light of what you have shown me?

I thank God for raising up leaders to share the Good News in Asia and to awaken the American church.

- Cindy Kuykendall

Amy Ogle