Called to Re-Write Stories.

Written by Liney Chacko, Co-Founder of Global Renewal

We are called to re-write stories. The Author of Life invited each of us by name… 

Imagine a great author (a #1 Bestselling author) inviting you to co-write with Him—He invites us to join this huge, heavenly task of rewriting lives… We can’t go in and change the circumstances that made them wear the label “victims” but we can work together to ERASE pain and replace it with JOY.

We often refer to our first rescued child—some of you may feel as if you already know her—Ruthie, a 7-year-old who was literally chained, fed excrement, and repeatedly violated…

The end of her story would have been sure death, but Love calls her a princess and she is now deeply desired and well cared for.

Today we erase DESPAIR and write HOPE.

“A” was 12 when she was sold to a brothel. In the first few weeks, they used her to wash and clean and serve clients—soon the clients were allowed to rape her. In her own words, “I lived with fear and hopelessness… but when I start my life living at the safe house I felt very happy and stop crying because I feel loved and hope, especially when I pray and sing to the Lord I feel real joy from inside of my heart.“

Hatred can be erased and FREEDOM can come.

“C” is a quirky, cute, loquacious 5-year-old! She came to Selah House a victim of rape by her own father. This beautiful baby described to us, when she first came, the graphic ways in which she would like to kill her dad—seething with rage and the pain that hatred brings… But love heals—God has helped her to release forgiveness to those who caused her the greatest pain and she exudes happiness. She is a child again—a beautiful, bouncy, baby girl of the King.

UGLINESS, ABANDONMENT, SERVITUDE, INJUSTICE with LOVE…love demonstrated and lavished.

Your life matters—you’re not another insignificant cog in the wheel of life, we can effect change and turn lives around …we can give children like the ones I described the best happily ever after possible—by first rescuing them, bringing them into a loving family, giving them the tools they need to heal and thrive, and believing the best for them for the rest of their lives.

When you give to Global Renewal, it’s not a token gift we’re extending out of pity or for brownie points—WE ARE SEIZING A MOMENT IN TIME—A MOMENT THAT OUR ETERNAL SPIRIT RECOGNIZES AS PIVOTAL, WEIGHTY, AND HOLY. A consequential moment…a beautiful pause in the middle of the doldrums of life… here, together, for just a few still minutes, we can tap into the very heart of Father God and touch what He’s touching, love what He’s loving, and join Him in the amazing task of transforming lives 

Imagine every dollar you give being transformed into soldiers, into homes, vans, school books, ice cream, caregivers, clean water, freedom-fighters, schools, sewing machines, tennis shoes, toothpaste, tutors, counselors, computers, birthday parties, soft beds, check-ups at the doctors, and more than anything—the chance to be a child…of the best Father in the world.

Thank you for giving and partnering with us.

- Liney Chacko

Co-Founder of Global Renewal

Amy Ogle